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 2023-11-29 11:43:36  来源:晋职期刊网 

Title: A Comprehensive List of English Paper Review Comments


When submitting an English paper for review, it is crucial to receive thoughtful feedback from experts in the field. This feedback helps identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to improve the paper. In this article, we will provide a detailed list of commonly encountered review comments to enhance the quality of your English papers.

1. Clarity and Structure:

a) The paper lacks a clear thesis statement.

b) The introduction should provide a stronger context and justify the significance of the study.

c) The paper would benefit from a logical flow of ideas.

d) Improve the organization of sections and paragraphs.

e) Use subheadings to guide the reader through the paper.

2. Language and Grammar:

a) Proofread for grammatical errors (spelling, punctuation, subject-verb agreement).

b) Review sentence structures and syntax for clarity and coherence.

c) Ensure proper tenses are used throughout the paper.

d) Pay attention to word choice - use appropriate academic vocabulary.

e) Avoid run-on sentences and overly complex sentences.

3. Literature Review:

a) Broaden the scope of the literature review to include more recent and diverse sources.

b) Provide a critical analysis and synthesis of existing literature.

c) Cite and reference all sources correctly using an appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

d) Include a clear gap in the literature that justifies the need for the current study.

4. Methods and Data:

a) Describe the methodology in more detail, including the data collection and analysis procedures.

b) Ensure that the research design aligns with the research questions/hypotheses.

c) Provide a clear rationale for using specific techniques or instruments.

d) Present the data accurately and consider using appropriate illustrations (charts, tables, graphs).

5. Findings and Discussion:

a) Clearly present and interpret the research findings.

b) Link the findings to the research questions/hypotheses and objectives.

c) Discuss the implications of the findings and their significance in the field.

d) Compare and contrast the results with relevant studies from the literature review.

6. Conclusion and Recommendations:

a) Summarize the key findings concisely.

b) Relate the conclusions back to the research objectives and highlight their contribution to the field.

c) Provide practical recommendations for future research or practice based on the findings.

7. References and Citations:

a) Ensure that all references cited in the paper are listed in the bibliography, and vice versa.

b) Check the accuracy and consistency of in-text citations.

c) Follow the required citation style guidelines meticulously.


Receiving constructive feedback on an English paper is crucial for improving its quality. The list of review comments provided in this article offers an extensive guideline to enhance clarity, grammar, structure, literature review, methodology, findings, conclusion, and overall presentation. By addressing these comments diligently, writers can refine their papers and create impactful contributions to their respective fields.


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